The team in Australia received a vibrant letter from Dr Hamlin last week. Now 92, Catherine still lives on the grounds of the hospital in Addis Ababa. We’d like to share some of her words with you…
We have just welcomed our CEO back from his visit to Australia. He came on Monday morning for coffee and told us all about his visit to Sydney. I am so glad you were able to meet him and I am sure he was glad to meet you all! He is a very good CEO.
We have had some excitement here chopping some large tree branches, which are too near the wards. If there is a storm they may fall on the hospital building, so we are cutting some down. This afternoon we had a huge downpour of heavy rain, I was pleasantly surprised that there were no leaks in my cosy home.
Always in this season I have a fire in the evenings and sit in a comfy chair. I enjoy eating my evening meal on a tray on a small table, as near to the fire as I can get. But I cannot take the place of my lovely dog as she lies on the mat in front of this blazing fire and sleeps until she is put out when I go to bed.
With my love,