
Regular Giving

Help find, heal and empower women every day

Join our Hamlin Regular Giver Community

Join a community of people who are determined to eradicate devastating childbirth injuries, like obstetric fistula. Forever. A regular gift of just $3.30 a day will provide life-changing treatment to women in Ethiopia suffering the physical, emotional and psychological trauma of obstetric fistula. 

Obstetric fistula is one of the worst things that can happen to a woman. Without medical assistance, women can experience obstructed labour for days. In Ethiopia, this often results in the loss of a baby, and debilitating internal injuries which leave a woman incontinent. In pain, ashamed, alone, and without medical treatment, these women become isolated from their families and communities.

Becoming a Hamlin Regular Giver is the most effective way to support the work that our pioneering founder, Australian surgeon Dr Catherine Hamlin started over 65 years ago. Catherine and the dedicated team at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia have restored the health, dignity and independence of over 70,000 women through free surgery, holistic care and rehabilitation.

It’s compassionate, inspiring humanitarians like you who continue to help find, heal and empower Ethiopian women who, right now, are suffering in pain, shame and isolation with horrific birth injuries.

Your regular ongoing gifts will help restore the lives of the most marginalised women in the world.

Your regular donations can help find, heal and empower women every day

How your support empowers Ethiopian women

How your support empowers Ethiopian women

Help find, heal, and empower women every day

Join our Hamlin Regular Giver community!

“These women have suffered more than any woman should be called upon to endure. To meet only one is to be profoundly moved and calls forth the utmost compassion that the human heart is capable of feeling.” – Dr Catherine Hamlin

Just $3.30 a day will provide life-changing treatment to Ethiopian women who have suffered this horrific childbirth injury. By making a small monthly gift, you are continuing the work started by Dr Catherine Hamlin over 70 years ago.

Make a Difference Today!

The easiest way to become a Hamlin Regular Giver is via our form above.  If you have any questions or would prefer to speak to one of our team you can call us on +61 2 9440 7001 or email us at [email protected].

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. At the end of every financial year, we will send you a receipt for all your gifts over the past financial year.

Joining our community of regular givers is one of the most impactful ways you can help women in Ethiopia. Your ongoing donations allow us to plan ahead and deliver the best care and support we can for women with fistula injuries.

Why Become a Hamlin Regular Giver?

Because you help women like Elinesh! For Elfinesh, the support of Hamlin Regular Givers has been transformative. After losing her second baby and enduring a double fistula, she was left shunned by her community and without a source of income. 

After treatments spanning six years and a tailored education program, she now runs a shop which provides a stable source of income for her and her daughter. Click here to read more about Elfinesh’s amazing story. 

Thanks to the support of Hamlin Regular Givers, we can help find, heal and empower more women like Elfinesh.