
Last spots left: join us in Ethiopia

“The reality of seeing the women, the colourful patchwork blankets, the welcoming staff, brings a big lump to your throat and the tears just flow. It’s real.” – March 2024 Adventurer

With only a couple of spots left on our November Hamlin Ethiopian Adventure, don’t miss this incredible opportunity to see your support in action.

Why you’ll love this trip

  • Insider’s tour of Hamlin’s Addis Ababa and Yirgalem Fistula Hospitals plus two rural Hamlin-supported midwifery clinics
  • Meet brave and beautiful obstetric fistula patients
  • Observe diverse and vibrant Ethiopian cultures including the Ari, Mursi, Konso and Karo tribes
  • Witness Ethiopia’s incredible natural landscapes, diverse wildlife and rich cultural heritage
  • Experience the warmth and hospitality of the Ethiopian people…and so much more!

Book your place today.

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