A message from Carolyn Hardy: Chief Executive Officer, Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation
This year was a year of tremendous success at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia. In the twelve months from July 2020 to June 2021, 1,508 surgeries were performed at Hamlin’s six fistula hospitals. That’s 1,508 women’s lives restored.
Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia’s outreach officers and clinical team are doing an amazing job in what we all know has been a difficult year. We are proud of them. They remain committed to working towards the eradication of obstetric fistula and we remain committed to ensuring they have the funding to do this work and change women’s lives.
Dr Catherine Hamlin’s legacy remains at the core of everything we do. Catherine’s vision for Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia to be run and led by Ethiopians, for Ethiopians, continues to serve our hospitals and the women of Ethiopia well.
Hamlin’s entire program is delivered by Ethiopians and one of the reasons Hamlin’s progress toward eradication continued so strongly this year is our treatment and prevention programs were not delayed by international travel restrictions. Hamlin employs 550 Ethiopians including highly skilled Ethiopian surgical teams at all six Hamlin fistula hospitals. All of them are working hard to eradicate fistula from Ethiopia.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported Hamlin so far this year. Because of you, our team is treating more women who are able to return to their communities healed and with hope.
Carolyn Hardy
Chief Executive Officer
Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation
P.S. In other good news from Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, Mamitu is continuing in surgery and bringing joy and healing to everyone she meets. If you haven’t read Healing Lives yet, get your copy today at store.hamlin.org.au – it is a must-read book! The decades long friendship between Mamitu and Catherine Hamlin, and the lives these formidable women changed is an inspiration. Proceeds from Hamlin Shop sales of Healing Lives support the work at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia.