
Tag: Patients

Ayehu’s story

When Ayehu became pregnant for the third time, this one did not go well. She laboured unsuccessfully at home for two interminable days and was left in a state of exhaustion and semi-consciousness....

May 26th, 2017 Read More

168 hours of labour: Zahra’s story

Zahra, ashamed of her condition and afraid of getting lost, was too scared to travel alone, and no one from her village was willing to accompany her. Finally, a cousin took pity on Zahra and brought her to Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital....

May 5th, 2017 Read More

From a nightmare to a new life

When Aregu became pregnant with her first child it was an exciting time for everyone. Her mother spent the last three months of the pregnancy in Aregu’s home, preparing for the new child....

March 14th, 2017 Read More

Aye and Fikre start their family

When Aye was pregnant with her first child, she went into labour at home with no trained birth attendant to help. After four days of obstructed labour her baby had still not arrived....

September 22nd, 2016 Read More

The joy of motherhood

Amaresh was full of joy to become a mother. But when she went into labour, something went wrong. At the end of the first day, her baby had not arrived. ...

September 22nd, 2016 Read More