Ensuring every woman has the opportunity to thrive
Each and every woman who arrives at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is provided complete and compassionate care. Based on Dr Catherine Hamlin’s values, the Hamlin Model of Care remains a core part of the organisation today.
For 61 years, Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia has provided an all-encompassing approach to treating and caring for obstetric fistula patients. With over 60,000 successful operations completed it is a proven method to ensure former fistula patients have every opportunity to thrive post-surgery.
A woman’s healing starts as soon as they arrive when they are given a nightgown and slippers to wear during their stay and a hand-knitted Hamlin blanket for comfort and security. Patients are also given healthy, traditional Ethiopian food.
Alongside world leading surgical treatment to repair fistula injuries, each woman is given pre- and post-surgical care and physiotherapy to address nerve damage caused during labour and muscle contractures after months or years of immobility. While each woman’s’ physical injuries are being repaired, they’re given customised counselling to help rebuild their self-belief and harness their own inner strength.
Each woman also has access to numeracy and literacy classes, to help them thrive in their new life after treatment. During their stay at Hamlin, each woman is individually assessed to establish their reintegration needs. Many receive additional vocational training to support reintegration and on to establish and run their own businesses in their communities.
Finally, when a woman leaves a Hamlin hospital, they are given a new dress and bus money to make the journey home – their future once again in their hands.