“Dr Catherine Hamlin and her late husband Reg have inspired me for years. I am totally in awe of them and their achievements in Ethiopia, restoring the lives of thousands of poor women.
I admire their persistence. I admire their courage. But most of all I admire their deep love for these women.
When I think about the plight of the fistula patients, it moves me to tears. We must help them! Catherine and Reg couldn’t turn their backs on them, and neither can I.
When I was making my Will, I included a bequest to Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia to help these brave patients as much as I can. I strongly urge everyone to do the same.”
– Dr Val Colley
If you have already named Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation in your Will, or would like more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 02 9440 7001.