
The gift our supporters love to leave

Dr Catherine Hamlin devoted her life to ending the suffering of women with obstetric fistula, giving them health, hope and opportunity. Over 70,000 Ethiopian women have had their lives transformed through her Hamlin Model of Care.

Yet Catherine’s work is still not complete. Mavis has left a gift in her Will to Hamlin to achieve Catherine’s vision of a fistula-free Ethiopia. She told us:

“I am the middle of three children. My parents instilled in us from an early age to care for the needs of others even if we did without. I’m 77 and unable to retire from being a midwife as it’s such a fulfilling career.

I was married and have two daughters, eight grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. I am a domestic violence survivor who has chosen to ‘turn my scars into stars’ and support women and girls in need.

I first heard about obstetric fistula in the mid 1970s when I read about the need to establish the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in various newspapers. I began donating there and then.

I travelled to Ethiopia in 2017 and 2018 and our group spent quality time with Dr Catherine Hamlin over lunch at the hospital. I was so inspired by her stories and life time dedication to Ethiopia’s beautiful women. Their lives were doomed until the Hamlins healed their bodies and hearts.”

By leaving a gift in your Will, you are helping ensure that Catherine’s work will continue until every woman in Ethiopia has a safe, healthy delivery.

Even 1% of your estate to Hamlin makes a lasting difference to the health and wellbeing of future generations of Ethiopian women.

“Women and girls with obstetric fistula need all the support they can get to have life-transforming surgery. I know the gift in my Will is going to change the world for the women in Ethiopia. The gift of life and quality of life is immeasurable and it is an honour and a privilege to care for them.”

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, call us on 02 9440 7001 or visit hamlin.org.au/wills.

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