The power of ONE to transform maternal health care. When a woman has access to a trusted companion, her childbirth experience and maternal health outcomes improve. A recent article from the World Health Organisation (WHO) strongly reiterated the need for women to have a chosen companion during labour and childbirth, even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Midwives: a trusted companion
Midwives are trusted companions of expectant mothers, performing a dual role to provide emotional and medical support. They are essential to creating a positive
pregnancy experience. Dr Ozge Tuncap, a WHO scientist stated, “A woman’s experience of childbirth is as important as her clinical care.” A midwife’s companionship improves the physiological process of labour and perinatal outcomes, including more positive health indicators of new mothers and their babies within five minutes of birth.
For too many women, COVID-19 has exacerbated the inaccessibility of maternal care. Travel restrictions have further limited access to maternal health services. This
translates into an increased likelihood of obstetric fistula injuries and, sadly, maternal deaths. In the ‘new normal’ of COVID-19 the WHO “strongly recommends that the
emotional, practical and health benefits of having a chosen labour companion are respected and accommodated. The pandemic must not disrupt every woman’s right
to high quality, respectful maternity care.”
Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, Hamlin Midwives continue to deliver care and compassion to ensure there is no spike in obstetric fistula cases in the communities
they work in. Just ONE Hamlin Midwife can prevent countless fistulas and transform the maternal experiences for Ethiopian women.

A cornerstone of the community and the fight to end fistula
Hamlin Midwives are the cornerstone of Dr Catherine Hamlin’s vision, to ensure women in rural Ethiopia have access to quality maternal care. When a Hamlin
Midwife arrives in communities, she becomes a trusted companion and builds a support network to improve women’s maternal health. She can single-handedly
transform an entire community and empower women.
Last year, of the 47,681 women that received an initial antenatal care visit at a Hamlin-supported midwifery clinic, over 28,000 attended the final prenatal check-up. Hamlin Midwives also delivered over 30,000 healthy babies – without a single obstetric fistula case. These figures highlight the impact on Hamlin Midwives. The trust they are able to harness within their communities is helping to ensure women feel confident to visit health clinics during their pregnancy, thus preventing fistula.
Each year, thanks to generous supporters, a new batch of Hamlin Midwives graduate from the Hamlin College of Midwives, returning to their rural communities to provide
vital companionship to pregnant women. Our midwives are particularly well placed to do this as they speak different regional languages.
The power of ONE midwife to transform a community cannot be underestimated. This Christmas, you too can give a gift of a trusted companion and help improve maternal
health for Ethiopian women. Together we can eradicate fistula. Forever.
Click here if you would like to support the work of Hamlin Midwives. Your support will create hope and lasting change for women.
Written by Aimee Barac-Dunn, intern at the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation